Recent Changes:

Farewell to outdoor bowls, hello indoor bowls



Mens league winners

Floodlight league winners

Floodlight league winners

"More photographs to be found by following the photographs link on the left of the web page"

Dates for your diary

Our popular out of season Coffee Mornings take place on the second Monday of the month.


2024 AGM Chairman's address

Triples Results - End of season

Ladies League Results

Bristol and District Bowls League Web Site
For Mens League tables and results including the Lloyd Trophy

City & County of Bristol Bowling Association Web Site
For Information & results about the Clarence Davey and county competitions.

Match Day Steward Duties

Please arrive in good time to set up the Green (at least an hour before match start time). The Club Captain, Match Day Captain or their deputy will inform you how many and which rinks are to be set up.

Upon arrival

1. Open the gate and leave the padlock locked to the gate to ensure that the correct padlock is used when the gate is locked at the end of the match. This is vital as the green keeping staff only know the combination to this padlock and will not be able to access the green if the wrong padlock is on the gate.

2. Unlock the pavilion.

3. Unlock the changing rooms and return the key to the hooks in the pavilion.

4. Check that the changing rooms have adequate supplies of toilet paper, soap and towels. Spares are in the storage cupboard in the pavilion toilet.

5. Open up the equipment lockers and leave the padlocks in situ.

6. Check the direction of play & rink position. A diagram is located in the metal equipment shed and in the pavilion.

7. Put out the required number of rink numbers and markers for the match.

8. Put out a suitable number of bowl and jack ditch markers. One set between two rinks should be sufficient.

9. Put out two mats and a jack per rink.

10. Put out score boards & bowls pushers.

11. Put out drinking water and cups in holders on each rink.

12. Put up the club flag.

13. Start clearing any worm casts or co-op other members as they arrive.

During tea interval

Ensure security of the green and buildings, especially the changing rooms where players may have left personal items. A member, or known spectator, may be willing to stay on watch. If this is not the case, then the main gate plus the changing rooms should be locked by one of the stewards unless the skip on the last rink to come in for tea has agreed to lock up.

At the end of match

Note: Each rink is responsible for putting their equipment away.

1. Put away any equipment that has been left out.

2. Take down the club flag.

3. Check for and dispose of any rubbish found.

4. Check for any personal possessions on the rink and in the changing rooms.

5. Ensure the changing rooms are tidy and all lights are off. Lock the changing rooms and return the key to the pavilion.

6. Return any bottles/glasses to the social club.

7. Ensure lights, radiators and the water heater are turned off in the pavilion and disconnect power to the changing rooms.

8. Ensure equipment lockers, pavilion, changing rooms and gates are locked and secure.